Dr Decker Forrest

Dr Decker Forrest

Dr Decker Forrest

Dr J. Decker Forrest is the Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Gaelic and Traditional Music Degree at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Scotland’s Gaelic College on the Isle of Skye.

A well-known, award-winning piper, originally from San Diego, California, Decker researches the development of bagpipe music, particularly in relation to ethnology, and has published numerous articles in Piping Today and in other journals over the years. He received a PhD from St Andrews University and the RSAMD in 2009 for a thesis and audio recordings of his playing he submitted which explored the change and performance-practice of ceòl beag (marches, jigs reels, etc.) between 1819 and 1966.


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