Bagpipe Pop-Up - Castlemilk

Netherholm Community Centre

Bagpipe Pop-Up - Castlemilk

Netherholm Community Centre

As part of the year long celebrations for Glasgow 850, Piping Live! is bringing our free  Bagpipe Pop-Up event to Castlemilk!

Date and time

2025-04-11 12:00:00


Netherholm Community Centre


This event is FREE TO ATTEND

This will be a fantastic afternoon for young people and families to get involved in fun games, hear live bagpipes, and even try playing themselves, with free food for all coming along.
So, whether you're looking forward to the music, the games, or the free food, you'll find a warm welcome waiting for you from 12noon - 4pm. No experience needed — just bring yourself!
We are delighted to be partnering with the Castlemilk Together Food & Fun, so as well as bagpipes there will be Easter Arts and Crafts, outdoor games, STEM workshop and more. So join us at Netheholm Community Centre for a great afternoon!

The Venue

Netherholm Community Centre

We are delighted to be partnering with the Castlemilk Together Food & Fun, so as well as bagpipes there will be Easter Arts and Crafts, outdoor games, STEM workshop and more. So  join us at Netheholm Community Centre for a great afternoon. 

For information about accessing the venue, please go to this website.

Event Sponsor

Glasgow 850

Date and time

2025-04-11 12:00:00


Netherholm Community Centre


This event is FREE TO ATTEND

Celebrate Glasgow 850

Our Bagpipe Pop-Ups

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